Friday, October 2, 2009

Weekly Wrap-Up - Konos Style, Part 2

Our Konos Character Trait this week and for the next 4 weeks is Stewardship and our unit is NERF (Nutrition, Exercise, Rest and Fun). (Am I the only one who didn't know what that meant?) We had a light Konos week (mostly because I was recovering from Dylan's party), but we did manage to learn the 5 food groups and have an intense debate about corn. Is it a fruit, vegetable or grain?

If you aren't familiar with Konos it is a HANDS - ON approach to learning. In that spirit, KONOS suggests emptying your fridge and grouping everything into the food groups. While I think that is a very exciting thing, not happening here. Besides not wanting to be paranoid that one of my food allergy kids got hold of something, the idea of dragging my meat and dairy products onto the floor....ewww. We compromised with pretend food and a handful of boxes from the recycling bin. I think to make it more concrete for the boys we might go through and label all of the food in the cabinets and fridge during Logan's nap, but I am so not dragging all of the food out.
Sorry KONOS.

Corn, What is it? Fruit, vegetable or grain? Anyone?

Check out Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers for more Weekly Wrap-ups! Now if I could figure out how to get that cute Weekly Wrap Up button, we would be all set.


  1. According to this it's a grain, which would have been my guess, but that's easy to say since I already looked up the answer. ;-)

    And, I don't blame you -- my food wouldn't have gotten dragged out on the floor either.

  2. What a really fun activity! I wouldn't have emptied my fridge either...a few pantry shelves maybe...but not my fridge :)

    I call corn a vegetable but I would guess it's actually a grain.

  3. I have to say there is no way I'd have done that activity as written either. LOL I like your way better! How fun!!

  4. I think using the play food and boxes would have been A-OK with KONOS! lol Corn is a grain - but my oh my, how I WISH it were a vegetable! It's just not fair! lol



  5. Your kids should have been at my house this week. We had to take everything out of the fridge because it died again and everything had to be thrown out! Seriously, the play food is still fun and hands-on.

    From what I have read, corn was originally a vegetable, but through the work of man, genetically modifying, it is now a grain. Please don't ask the specifics, I can't remember.
